
Showing posts from June, 2019

The world's most famous Striking Libraries From 1749 To 2013

"Thinking inside the box" Central Library of Nice, France Architecture is usually analyzed and taught as a discipline that articulates space and geometry, but the mental impact of architecture arises significantly from its image. this Article examines The world's most famous Striking Libraries Embodied in Illustrated ; the nature of the image and imagination ; History of Origin and Significance of Design. Now Let's begin in this tour From the old to the latest : Note: Click on each images for more details . The Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, Oxford University Oxford, UK Designed by James Gibbs Opened in 1749 This was originally a science library but now houses English, history, and theology books on Oxford University reading lists, plus a lot of room for reading them. Library of Parliament Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Designed by Thomas Fuller and Chilion Jones Opened in 1876 This library is the research hub for Canada’s Parliame...