Global Libraries Standards: Library Resource Management

Standards are used as broad lines and guidelines for the processes related to planning and implementing Library services.

Standards are not a substitute for planning, but rather they are levels that represent the minimum requirements and resistances necessary for Library service. If they exceed this limit, they are acceptable, effective and recognized .. and If it fails to reach this minimum, it will be ineffective and unacceptable.

From this standpoint, setting and developing unified standards that guide libraries and information centers becomes an urgent necessity, especially when planning library or documentary services followed by evaluation of their performance.

As a continuation of The Global Libraries Standards Articles , we present a new standard “Library Resource Management”.

You can refer to previous related articles :

Global Libraries Standards: Cooperation Agreements

Global Libraries Standards: Biblio Commons


Library Resource Management:

Collibra Launches Public COVID-19 Data Catalog

Collibra … 29/07/2020

Collibra, the Data Intelligence company, today announced a free, public COVID-19 data catalog that brings together publicly-available data sets, business glossaries, reference data and the public workbook provided by Tableau’s COVID-19 Data Hub. The resource brings

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AASL announces Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning

ALA … 27/07/2020

The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) has released its inaugural list of Best Digital Tools for Teaching & Learning. Best Digital Tools combines the previously separate lists of Best Apps and Best Websites for Teaching & Learning. The new list follows the

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NetDocuments Introduces NetKnowledge Enterprise Search Powered by BA Insight

NetDocuments … 15/07/2020

NetKnowledge, the result of a collaborative partnership between NetDocuments and BA Insight, makes all content stored in NetDocuments part of a customer’s enterprise search. NetKnowledge allows users to get the data they need in one search, instead of

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New Resource: Authoring Tool Accessibility Report Generator

World Wide Web Consortium … 30/06/2020

The Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) has published the ATAG Report Tool. Authoring tools are software and services used to create web content – such as content management systems (CMS) and what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) HTML editors. W3C’s Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) addresses making

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Gale Analytics Launches New Interactive Dashboards to Help Public Libraries Gain Deeper Insights into Community Interests and Needs

GALE: A Cengage Company … 30/06/2020

Gale, a Cengage company, is helping public libraries analyze data more efficiently to better serve their patrons and communities. Gale Analytics has introduced new interactive dashboards that provide public libraries with valuable insights into their service areas. Now library staff can dynamically interact

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ProQuest Streamlines Discoverability of Subscription and Open Access Content

ProQuest … 16/06/2020

ProQuest is improving the accessibility of subscription and open access content on its award-winning platform with a series of enhancements designed to boost research, teaching and learning outcomes.

These enhancements include:

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Libraries and Media Literacy: IFLA to Participate in an EU Project

IFLA … 28/05/2020

IFLA is working on a Media Literacy project within the framework of the EU 'Preparatory Action on Media Literacy for All'. The goal is to help deliver on libraries’ potential to be agents of change and champions of media literacy

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#IFLAFromHome: Engaging with IFLA, Wherever You Are

IFLA … 12/05/2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic has seen so much energy and inventiveness from libraries as they work to continue to fulfil their missions. In line with our Strategy, IFLA in turn is working hard to support its members. With our new #IFLAFromHome series

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Annual Review of Political Science uses Subscribe to Open to publish 2020 volume open access

Annual Reviews … 12/05/2020

Nonprofit publisher Annual Reviews is pleased to announce that the 2020 volume of the Annual Review of Political Science ( has been converted from gated to open access...

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Academic Video Online adds hundreds of award-winning streaming films to complement critical discussions on bioethics, political science, history and more

ProQuest … 08/05/2020

Education has moved online, and so have provocative discussions around global issues related to bioethics, health policy, politics, history and more. These issues are often critically examined through documentary films – and with the rise in distance learning, the medium is more important than ever.

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OverDrive Professional Provides Libby App to College Campuses and the Workplace

OverDrive … 07/05/2020

the world’s leading digital reading platform for public libraries and schools, announced the launch of OverDrive Professional, a new division that supplements corporate, academic and law libraries. With this launch, students, knowledge workers and researchers can

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ReadCube Launches Free Research Pass Programme to Enable Broad Full-Text Access for COVID-19 Researchers

Digital Science … 23/04/2020

In collaboration with leading publishers, Digital Science’s ReadCube is announcing the launch of a new initiative to facilitate access to literature related to COVID-19 research. The COVID-19 Research Pass (CRP) programme provides direct access to over 26 million articles and is available to anyone studying or writing about COVID-19.

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Resource Sharing during COVID-19 (RSCVD) Tool Launched

IFLA … 21/04/2020

Interlibrary loan professionals in not-for-profit libraries can request access to materials from volunteering libraries.

IFLA' Document Delivery and Resource Sharing Section has just launched a special tool to help ILL professionals in not-for-profit libraries anywhere in the world.

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NYU’s Arabic Collections Online Usage Jumps 700 Percent in March

New York Abu Dhabi … 14/04/2020

As remote learning and self-quarantine have become the order of the day, the number of monthly users of NYU Libraries’ Arabic Collections Online (ACO) increased from 50,000 to 350,000 in March. This digital library, a partnership between NYU New York and NYU Abu Dhabi, is a collection of Arabic-language, public-domain content drawn from distinguished libraries around the world and available to

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Nature to join open-access Plan S, publisher says

Nature … 09/04/2020

After a change in the rules of the bold open-access (OA) initiative known as Plan S, publisher Springer Nature said on 8 April that many of its non-OA journals — including Nature — were now committed to joining the plan, pending discussion of further technical details.

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ALA Neal-Schuman releases free e-book on disaster planning, response, and recovery

ALA … 09/04/2020

During this time of uncertainty library workers are finding new ways to provide crucial information and services. To bolster their efforts, ALA Neal-Schuman is pleased to offer a free PDF e-book of the resource

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Video editing tools for librarians

IFLA … 08/04/2020

The goal is to learn about video editing tools that can improve librarian services, find ideas on how to use video materials and get some practical tips on recording.

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Press launches open research platform, Cambridge Open Engage

Cambridge University Press … 02/04/2020

The early and open content and collaboration platform from Cambridge University Press, has officially launched and is now open to direct submissions from researchers.

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Pandemic Preparedness

ALA … 31/03/2020

A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. (Merriam-Webster Online). This page provides information about preparing for a pandemic, including library-specific policy suggestions and more universal resources on pandemic education, prevention ...

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Links to Learning-at-Home Resources

Copyright Clearance Center … 30/03/2020

To accommodate pandemic-related safety protocols and district plans, schools and educators have shifted this from traditional in-classroom teaching to hybrid and remote learning models. The resources on this list below are offered by a variety of educational publishers and content providers to help and support teachers and children. Our team is regularly updating this list.

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Join the Covid-19 Conversation: How to Be with Others When You Are Alone

MLA … 30/03/2020

MLA is launching a series of free, live, online conversations, Coping and Caring in the Time of COVID. These weekly conversations for MLA members and the wider health information professional community are designed to help share ideas and to address professional and personal pain points related to the current crisis.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

IMLS … 30/03/2020

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is closely monitoring COVID-19 and its impact on museums, libraries, and the communities they serve ...

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Open Access to ACM Digital Library During Coronavirus Pandemic

Association for Computing Machinery … 30/03/2020

As the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic continues, we at ACM would like to do what we can to help support the computing community. Many computing researchers and practitioners are now working remotely. In addition, teaching and learning have also moved online as more and more campuses close.

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CLS Coronavirus/COVID-19 response information

Midwest Collaborative For Library Services … 27/03/2020

During the current global coronavirus pandemic, MCLS is open and as responsive and supportive as possible through any restrictions your library may face. At the same time, we are also being as conscientious as possible about not putting our staff or others at risk for virus transmission.

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Connect users to free online resources during the COVID-19 crisis

OCLC … 27/03/2020

Many content providers have offered free access to e-content collections to help you maintain online services during the COVID-19 crisis. OCLC is actively partnering with global content providers to ensure access to these valuable resources through OCLC cataloging, discovery, and resource sharing services.

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Announcing a National Emergency Library to Provide Digitized Books to Students and the Public

Internet Archive Blog … 24/03/2020

the Internet Archive will suspend waitlists for the 1.4 million (and growing) books in our lending library by creating a National Emergency Library to serve the nation’s displaced learners. This suspension will run through June 30, 2020, or the end of the US national emergency, whichever is later.

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Copyright Clearance Center Launches Education Continuity License

Copyright Clearance Center … 24/03/2020

a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, announces its Education Continuity License to enable creative approaches to remote teaching and distance learning made necessary by the pandemic.

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COVID-19 - Translated language resources available for libraries to communicate with communities

IFLA … 24/03/2020

the IFLA Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section is working with the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) to create translated signage and text for libraries to communicate with their communities about library closures and changes to programs.

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The Arab Studies Institute's Open Access Resources for Teaching the Middle East

AMIR … 23/03/2020

As teachers, students, and researchers limit their in-person contact, below are some open access resources in the form of online articles, audio interviews, and video segments to facilitate classroom learning and additional research on the Middle East and North Africa.

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MLA Member Curated List of COVID-19 Resources

MLA … 21/03/2020

MLA members have started a curated list of COVID-19 resources for medical librarians and other health information professionals. The site will be updated as frequently as possible and has been created from crowd-sourced suggestions from MLA members and others on the front lines of providing information during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Free access to online content from some publishers

AMIR … 19/03/2020

Due to COVID-19 emergency some publishers are now offering free access to their content. These publishers offer some content for the study of Islam and the Middle East.

AMIR will update this list as new information becomes available.

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Resources from Gale on COVID-19

GALE: A Cengage Company … 16/03/2020

“We’re having to make some of the most important decisions that we have ever faced much faster than we ever anticipated.” This quote from a Library Director in Colorado really captures the nature of the unprecedented challenges facing librarians and educators today, and why as your partner, we want to help.

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ASIS&T Authors Examine the Role of Information During a Global Health Crisis

ASIST … 16/03/2020

The Association for Information Science and Technology announces the publication of "Global health crises are also information crises: A call to action" in its Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.

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Elsevier gives full access to its content on its COVID-19 Information Center for PubMed Central and other public health databases to accelerate fight against coronavirus

Elsevier … 13/03/2020

a global leader in research publishing and information analytics specializing in science and health, is making all its research and data content on its COVID-19 Information Center available to PubMed Central, the archive of biomedical and lifescience at the US. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, and other publicly funded repositories globally.

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Libraries and the Coronavirus: Evolving Information and Resources

WebJunction … 10/03/2020

We’re excited to announce a new report from OCLC and the Public Library Association (PLA). Call to Action: Public Libraries and the Opioid Crisis, offers tested strategies to consider as libraries determine local responses to the nationwide public health emergency.

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Coronavirus Free Access Resource Center

JoVE … 01/03/2020

The science community is working hard to address the potential health crisis brought about by the outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19). To support these critical efforts, JoVE has made its coronavirus focused content and related resources freely available.

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COVID-19: Response from the Information Community

NISO … 01/03/2020

This news and resource page is being updated daily, as information makes its way to us. The content is not confined just to those from the NISO membership. Did we overlook something that your organization is doing?

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DAISY Consortium Free Webinars

DAISY Consortium … 01/03/2020

We are happy to announce that we’re scheduling webinars on accessible publishing and reading. This is in response to multiple challenges faced by conferences around the world due to Coronavirus, as well as feedback from the wider DAISY community expressing interest in online training resources.

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New ACM Journal Explores How Technology Is Transforming Government

ACM … 25/02/2020

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today announced the inaugural issue of Digital Government: Research and Practice (DGOV), a new interdisciplinary open access journal on the impact of technology on governance and public institutions. DGOV presents applied and empirical research

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SAGE launches portal to streamline open access publishing process

SAGE Publishing … 24/02/2020

SAGE Publishing announces the launch of a new portal that enables authors, consortia, libraries, and funders to manage the open access publishing workflow. Named the SAGE Open Access Portal, the platform currently supports SAGE Choice, the publisher’s hybrid Open Access (OA) publishing option, for 900+ journals. Later in 2020, it will be extended to support SAGE’s 180+ pure Gold OA journals.

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IEEE Introduces TechRxiv™, a New Preprint Server for Unpublished Research … 29/01/2020

the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for humanity, announces the launch of, a preprint server for the global technology community. is a collaborative multidisciplinary hub

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ProQuest’s TDM Studio™ Service Transforms Text and Data Mining with Efficiency, Flexibility and Power

ProQuest … 24/01/2020

Researchers will now be able to uncover new connections and make new discoveries using ProQuest’s TDM Studio service, a pioneering end-to-end solution for text and data mining. TDM Studio puts the power of text and data mining directly into the researcher’s hands, from their initial idea to their final output.

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OCLC’s new EZproxy Analytics service offers libraries greater insights into use of e-resources

OCLC … 14/01/2020

OCLC is introducing EZproxy Analytics, a turnkey analytics service that enables libraries using EZproxy hosted access and authentication services to transform data into actionable insights, drive more informed decisions, and demonstrate significant impact.

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