Global Libraries Standards: Cooperation Agreements
Many organizations and library associations in a large number of countries have been interested in creating, forming and approving a set of unified standards for different types of libraries and information centers.
as well as reviewing these standards continuously and periodically to ensure their suitability and validity to meet the changes and developments that occur in the field of libraries and rapid developments in Information technologies and modern means of communication on which libraries services depend today.
Continuing with our previous article on Standards for Libraries in 2020 “Biblio Commons”
Today is our date with “Cooperation Agreements”
Cooperation Agreements :
Contents of King Fahd National Library made available at ICESCO Digital Home
Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization “ICESCO” … 13/06/2020
The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) and King Fahd National Library at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia agreed to giving access to the digital contents of the Library within ICESCO Digital Home, as part of the Distance Culture Initiative. This agreement comes as part of the endeavors of both the Organization and the Library to support the efforts of the global community to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the fields of education, science, and culture.
Against this backdrop, ICESCO Digital Home visitors can access hundreds of thousands of the Library’s references including digital books, Arab and foreign online databases, periodicals and academic dissertations. Visitors can also download hundreds of books for free through the following link: Distance Culture Site
Treasures of Bibliotheca Alexandrina available at “ICESCO Digital Home”
Islamic World Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization “ICESCO” … 05/06/2020
In line with the initiatives of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) in supporting the efforts to reduce the effects of Covid-19 pandemic on education, science, and culture, an agreement was concluded with Bibliotheca Alexandrina, one of the largest and oldest libraries worldwide, to provide access to its treasure troves of knowledge through “ICESCO Digital Home,” within the framework of the initiative of “Distance Culture” via the link : Distance Culture Site
IFLA Signs on to ICOLC Statement on Resource Access during COVID-19, Shares Principles for Associations in Negotiations
IFLA … 17/05/2020
IFLA has signed onto the Statement by the International Coalition of Library Consortia on the global COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on library services and resources. To further support members, IFLA's Advisory Committee on Copyright and other Legal Matters has produced principles for use in negotiation with rightholders.
Knowledge Unlatched and EBSCO Information Services Announce Subscribe-to-Open Cooperation
Knowledge Unlatched (KU) … 27/05/2020
Knowledge Unlatched (KU), the international initiative for Open Access (OA), and EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO), one of the market leaders in the global library services industry, are pleased to announce their joint efforts to further support libraries worldwide in their move to OA
Frontiers partners with Clarivate on new Reviewer Recognition Service
Frontiers Science News … 28/04/2020
New service provides greater recognition for reviewers and their contributions to scholarly publishing.
The role of the reviewer is vital. And as research output grows, more and more pressure is being put on reviewers to ensure quality articles are published as quickly as possible. But for such a crucial cog in the scholarly publishing wheel, their contribution is not always well acknowledged.
Semantic Scholar support institutional login and full text research access
Open Athens … 27/04/2020
We are pleased to announce a partnership with The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to add institutional login and access to full text research for Semantic Scholar, creating a seamless access experience for millions of researchers worldwide.
Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers
STM Publishing News … 22/04/2020
the European Commission together with several partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data. The platform, part of the ERAvsCorona Action Plan, marks another milestone in the EU’s efforts to support researchers in Europe and around the world in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
COVID-19 research partnership to inform safe handling of collections, reopening practices for libraries, museums
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) … 22/04/2020
The Institute of Museum and Library Services, together with OCLC and Battelle, announced a new collaboration to support the nation's libraries and museums as they consider safe reopening practices in light of COVID-19.
ISSN IC and ORCID join efforts to provide enhanced information services to the scholarly community
The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) … 17/04/2020
The International Standard Serial Number International Centre (ISSN IC) partnership with ORCID has resulted in improved accessibility and easier discovery of authoritative information about academic journals and where scholarly articles are published.
Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative
Medical Library Association (MLA) … 31/03/2020
To support the ongoing public health emergency response efforts, national science and technology advisors from a dozen countries formed a Public Health Emergency COVID-19 Initiative, calling on publishers to voluntarily agree to make their COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications and the available data supporting them immediately accessible in PubMed Central (PMC) and other appropriate public repositories.
OCLC partners provide extended and free e-content during the COVID-19 crisis
Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) … 27/03/2020
As a library cooperative, OCLC has leveraged dozens of partnerships with publishers to provide extended and, in many cases, free access to e-resources. We are working with our partners to organize and centralize this content and make it easily discoverable in library services.
Coronavirus-Impacted Libraries Get Unlimited Access to Ebook Central Holdings
ProQuest … 25/03/2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an unprecedented effect on higher-education institutions across the globe. Many libraries have found they suddenly need to support a new level of distance learning and research – and access to electronic resources is imperative.
COVID-19 and the Global Library Field: Statement by the IFLA President and Secretary General
IFLA … 23/03/2020
Library associations too have stepped up, providing resources for their members to plan and respond, providing online training and collating the latest information in order to support decision making by their members.
LexisNexis Launches New Digital Library Experience in Collaboration with OverDrive
LexisNexis … 30/01/2020
The completely rebuilt interface of LexisNexis Digital Library reflects an intense focus on the user experience and is based on many hours of observation and records of users’ journeys through real-life legal research workflows. LexisNexis has also incorporated extensive feedback from law librarians into the design and features of the product.
EBSCO Information Services Partners with Code Ocean to Invest in Open Research and Promote Reproducibility
EBSCO … 21/01/2020
A new strategic partnership between EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) and Code Ocean will provide to the global research community a platform to facilitate the sharing and reuse of computational code and data. It guarantees the reproducibility of reported research, and it makes research open, organized, accessible and interoperable.
EBSCO Information Services Announces New Integration with Google for Education
EBSCO … 16/01/2020
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) announced a new integration with Google for Education. As a Google for Education Partner, EBSCO will be able to provide universities, schools and public libraries using G Suite for Education with innovative resources to engage students in learning, both inside and outside the classroom.
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