
Showing posts from March, 2012

Qallaf: study asked the Department of Library and Information Science major discipline

Confirmed the Head of Library Science and Information Technology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dr. Charlene Qallaf, that the department is considering the planning department to put library and information science major discipline in the future. It showed Qallaf that this needs to Study the job market needs at first to identify the required numbers and employment opportunities for graduates, noting that this trend is part of the strategic plan which is working on preparing the department and include the next five years, including with it the development of academic programs, scientific research and computer labs. she pointed out that the department is currently working on development decisions speciality cushions by adding some courses related to information technology and social networking as well as evaluating newspaper graduated Master made ​​every five years by the arbitrator external coordination with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and in the light of the recommendations ...

Scientific Forum on "The educational role of librarians and information specialists in the knowledge age", organized by the Public Libraries Department reviews the role of librarians

Was opened by His Excellency the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage, Dr Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari in March 25, Sunday 2012 Scientific Forum on "The educational role of librarians and information specialists in the knowledge age", organized by Public Libraries - QNL. For his part, Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage in a speech to the Forum is part of the cultural tasks undertaken by the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Heritage, which is implemented through its various departments. He added that the selection of management of public libraries to the subject of this forum and invite librarians and information specialists to participate in it, due to the general direction of the Ministry of Culture to raise the cultural level and professional staff in the institutions of the information in the state and especially the libraries, this comes within the general framework of the policy of the State of Qatar to invest in human capital, which is the prime mover in the devel...

The launch of the digital library at the American University to preserve the cultural treasures of Egypt

American University in Cairo opened recently Section Digital Library Rare Books and Special Collections in order to preserve centuries of Egyptian history and even the Middle East after the last fire of the long Egyptian Academy, which served as a warning as a reminder of the importance of preserving rare books and manuscripts. The digital department in library of rare books and special collections has to help protect the property of the American University in Cairo, from rare books, historical photographs, manuscripts, architecture, maps, oral history through the creation of digital copies backup of these holdings unique and this section is digital open and available globally. And will include the old and the middle of the cultural heritage in addition to the contributions of the contemporary university project in the field: Documenting Egypt's Revolution in the twenty-first century. Caroline Runyon Secretary archive digital collections in a statement Tuesday that Said "befo...

Opening of the exhibition Memory of Modern Egypt at the University of Vilnius, Lithuania

Saw Vilnius Lithuania University Library opening of the exhibition "Memory of Modern Egypt .. Egypt was discovered in the 19 centuries and 20", which was organized by the Memory of Modern Egypt BA. The exhibition, which continues until March 31, the first major cultural event Egyptian state of Lithuania. Opened The exhibition by Mahmoud Ezzat, head of the Memory of Modern Egypt Alexandria Library, and Krevanyh IRNA, Director of the Vilnius University Library. Participated in the opening of a large number of senior officials in Lithuania; including adviser to the Foreign Ministry for Cultural Affairs, the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Director of the Department for Africa and the Middle East, Asia, State Department, and Director of the Lithuanian National Library. The opening was attended also a large number of faculty members, students, and the Egyptian and Arab community in Lithuania, and a number of media. Mahmoud Ezzat, Director of Special Projects at the BA sa...

"Masdar Institute," is hosting a workshop on the latest library services

"Masdar Institute of Science and Technology", the academic institution's research postgraduate focused on energy technologies developed and sustainable development, announced today that it hosted the introductory workshop on the professional services advanced by "Wi-BP of library services", which is the relevant section Academic Affairs in the group of Baker End Taylor for publication. Witnessed the event at the Institute for the source of the presence of approximately 25 officials representing academic and research libraries of universities and colleges across the UAE. Included a workshop to provide an overview of the services provided by the "Wi-BP" for libraries, academic and research, and during which also demos provided by some local libraries that depend on the services, "Wi-BP" in the areas of building groups and their development, and technical services, in order to simplify the conduct of their . The workshop started with a tour of...

The Arab Knowledge Report: UAE seeks to provide an integrated model of society

UAE is seeking rapidly to provide the elements of a model society of knowledge integrated structures and social structures, economic and cultural rights, according to the Arab Knowledge Report, "2010 - 2011" launched by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, under the title "Setting the younger generation of the knowledge society ". The report pointed to the achievements of the UAE to achieve excellence in knowledge, the most prominent and remarkable progress in information technology and communications. The report emphasized the need to exert more efforts to achieve the desired goals, particularly with regard to the preparation of the UAE's young people are engaged actively and positively in the establishment of a knowledge society in the country. According to the data's human development index in 2010, the UAE ranked among countries with very high human development, which occupied the first positi...

Mishaal Library hosts 135 thousand E-book

Founded the Deanship of Library Affairs Central Library at the University of Najran in 1428, which consists in its first phase of the two roles the first is dedicated to foreign books and lab of the Internet and a loan of self and security gates, periodicals, digital library and databases, while the allocated second round of the Arabic books and offices of the Dean. May prefer Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah inaugurated the opening of the library and digital library databases. On the proposal of the Rector and the approval of His Highness has named Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah, the library in appreciation and recognition from the university to the efforts of His Highness continued to support her career. the Dean and the Library of Prince Mishaal bin Abdullah enjoy unlimited support from the director of university .. the library including approximately 13 thousand Arab and foreign title by 80 thousand volumes in the various scientific disciplines and the latest versions of the role of globa...

Library of Alexandria celebrates its first free elections for union employees

Library of Alexandria celebrated yesterday with the first fair union elections , Which is the first gains of the revolution in the library. After the worker-sat the BA union announced For holding the general assembly and election board's new union in Sunday. the holding of the general assembly of the time 9 to 11 am. To discuss the agenda and final statement of the current Board of Directors. It was opened for elections from 11 to 5 pm. the union stressed that is entitled to all the members joined the union to attend the Assembly and voting & stressed the need to bring National ID card or Carné library to check the personal. after the closure of the ballot boxes will be counting on the spot in the presence of the candidates ,, Where the result announced at the end of the day.


  We apologize for the interruption Under exigent circumstances & We promise to continue the work of the blog as before, starting from today. We are pleased with your participation, and hope that we can gain on your satisfaction. Thank you .. MAKTABIOS TEAM 

Central Library of Qatar Foundation Host a workshop on the skills of digital conversion for members of the World Digital Library

Hosted the Central Library, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development in cooperation with the World Digital Library (WDL), and the first workshop for members of the World Digital Library belonging to the Arab Regional Group in Doha last week. The World Digital Library initiative of the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) led by the U.S. Library of Congress. It is rich in a digital repository of cultural treasures contributed by libraries from all over the world. And support the Central Library, Qatar Foundation World Digital Library in its mission to promote understanding between nations and cultures, and expand the size and diversity of cultural content on the Internet and building capacity in the participating institutions. The World Digital Library Free resources for scientists, educators and the general public, and the content available in seven languages, including Arabic. The Foundation is the di...

Bibliomania or obsession with collecting books,, Is it a sign of madness?

bibliomania symptoms may start from a young age without any observation, and the first signs of the disease begin to feel joy and pleasure when you watch any book And quickly turn it into a desire to acquire and read any book of any kind ..... The advanced stage of it are characterised by a desire to collect as much of the books just for the assembly, assuming the possibility of making use of them in one day , As well as those who collect newspapers or magazines!! To take advantage of them one day! bibliomania symptoms : 1 - bibliomanian that burned down his house the first thing that rescued him think of his books. 2 - bibliomanian be at the top of his delight when one attends book fairs, or even heard of its establishment in another city. 3 - bibliomanian man wearing eyeglasses necessarily, headache and a chronic inability to leave a good book at the right time. 4 - bibliomanian does not have a bank account because he can not palm of his hand for any new book, even if the language d...