The Arab Knowledge Report: UAE seeks to provide an integrated model of society

UAE is seeking rapidly to provide the elements of a model society of knowledge integrated structures and social structures, economic and cultural rights, according to the Arab Knowledge Report, "2010 - 2011" launched by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, under the title "Setting the younger generation of the knowledge society ".

The report pointed to the achievements of the UAE to achieve excellence in knowledge, the most prominent and remarkable progress in information technology and communications.

The report emphasized the need to exert more efforts to achieve the desired goals, particularly with regard to the preparation of the UAE's young people are engaged actively and positively in the establishment of a knowledge society in the country. According to the data's human development index in 2010, the UAE ranked among countries with very high human development, which occupied the first position among Arab countries, and the thirty-second in the world.

The report also pointed to the Human Development Index, which pointed out that the citizens in the UAE enjoy the basic rights like the right of health, education and decent living, at the time saw it as the report there is still a need for more effort to reach the community in the end, to invest those results to enter strongly into the community of knowledge.

He stressed that the UAE has been able to achieve education for a very large proportion of children of citizens, the state also reduced the illiteracy rate was significantly reduced, indicating that the state's strategy in the field of education is based on encouraging younger generations to participate in the development process.

The report emphasized that the UAE has made great strides in the use of modern techniques in management and production, including the application of the concept of e-governance, which has provided the state and citizens time and effort, and led to increased production efficiency, in addition to the extensive use of the State of the Internet.

Turning to the State's keenness on the interest of creativity, especially among young people as evidenced by so many achievements, as in the case of patents approved by the Office of Patents and Trademarks for the United States of America, which increased in number during the past two decades, to be registered 67 patents of the year 1997 to 2010.

The report reviewed the bodies and institutions that fosters creativity and creators in the state, pointing to the multiplicity of civil and governmental institutions that sponsor scientific research and encourages him in the state, it is seen that the production of scientific research in the state remained a modest and not commensurate with the size and number of initiatives and awards incentive.

The report stated that the UAE is concerned with the establishment of public libraries, specialized and provided many of the physical requirements to support innovation and scientific research, stressing the need for optimum utilization of the possibilities available to young people and the acquisition of the UAE of skills and abilities required to keep up with the age of science and progress.

The report also pointed to the achievements of the UAE in the framework of the knowledge economy, economic incentives and institutional system, noting in contrast to the presence of a significant difference between the State in information technology, communications, education and human resources.

The report explained that the State has made tremendous progress in human development and in particular with regard to indicators of economic and technical development.

He said that the biggest challenge facing the construction of a knowledge society in the UAE is to improve the level of education and raise the quality in schools and universities.

In its review of the education system in the UAE, the report emphasized that the establishment of the education system by the free university in the state to citizens, in addition to three state institutions of higher education offer their services free of charge to citizens, giving the state education system integrated is the cornerstone in the process of growth and progress of the country and a strong foundation for building knowledge society in the country.

The knowledge society

The UAE is one of the four Arab countries were conducted case studies in order to investigate the situation and readiness opportunities, gaps and requirements necessary to facilitate the access of future generations, which under the age of eighteen years to the knowledge society which included other countries, both Jordan , Morocco and Yemen.

the report referred to the state of education in the Arab world and highlighted the problem of illiteracy, which suffered more than a third of the Arab region.

The report emphasized the need to call an enlightened religious discourse based on the true religion, and referred to the invitation to the renaissance in Arabic as the main tool in achieving social integration and communication among young people, and reviewed the issue of citizenship and identity.

The report addressed within the framework of "enabling environments and prepare young people for the knowledge society" topics of governance and the space of freedoms , political and social development of the ruling people's lives and women's empowerment and economic environments and social development and the potential problems of poverty and unemployment as well as enabling environments cognitive incubator for culture as important factors in building a knowledge society.

The report provided a vision to move the proposed system to prepare future generations for a knowledge society include the four main axes intersect with each other to address the key issues in the preparation of young people.

According to the Arab Knowledge Report that the percentage of children and young people in the age group of at least 15 years of about 45% of the total population of the Arab world, while the proportion of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years about 21%.

The report was based statistics "UNESCO 2010" on the Global Monitoring for Education for All, which referred to the progress of primary education in some Arab countries and declining in others, pointing in turn to the existence of several problems in secondary education from the most important of which double the enrollment in some countries, high rates of failure in most Arab countries.


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