Central Library of Qatar Foundation Host a workshop on the skills of digital conversion for members of the World Digital Library

Hosted the Central Library, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development in cooperation with the World Digital Library (WDL), and the first workshop for members of the World Digital Library belonging to the Arab Regional Group in Doha last week.

The World Digital Library initiative of the Organization of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) led by the U.S. Library of Congress. It is rich in a digital repository of cultural treasures contributed by libraries from all over the world. And support the Central Library, Qatar Foundation World Digital Library in its mission to promote understanding between nations and cultures, and expand the size and diversity of cultural content on the Internet and building capacity in the participating institutions. The World Digital Library Free resources for scientists, educators and the general public, and the content available in seven languages, including Arabic.

The Foundation is the diameter of the main sponsors of the World Digital Library as well as Google Inc, the Carnegie Foundation, the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Microsoft, and others.

Attended the workshop on "skills and technical standards" 20 participants from a number of institutions in the Middle East and North Africa. The participating institutions: Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage,the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology,King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah,the Library of King Hamad of Bahrain,the Library of Digital Oman (Planet of knowledge),the Library of Sultan Qaboos University,the National Library of Jordan,the National Library of Sudan and the library Ahqaf of manuscripts in Yemen.

The trained experts from the headquarters of the World Digital Library to transfer skills in the field of digitization and metadata standards and description of the specialized materials digitized.

In her welcome address, said Isabel Iola, Acting Director of the Central Library: "The workshop is of vital importance to build the technical capacity of the members of the Arab Regional Group. They also contribute to strengthening the capacity of members to contribute to the digital content and to meet the quality standards required by the World Digital Library".

organized the workshop gesture common among the Central Library, Qatar Foundation and the World Digital Library, and created the opportunity for participants to network and exchange knowledge with experts. it Will be used as a model for the development of training initiatives for the World Digital Library in other regions around the world.


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