
Showing posts from March, 2013

Resource Description and Access (RDA)

For More information about rda toolkit , Please visit : further information from wikipedia :

Cybrarians scientific conference on “Cataloging Rules in the 21th century RDA”

  On the first of April 2013, a new history of cataloging rules will be started. Resources Description and Access (RDA) will be applied officially by major libraries in America and Europe; RDA will be applied after a period of experimental work. RDA was launched after cooperative efforts of major organizations in the global library community. This conference aiming at leading the Arab library community to involve in the new history of cataloging. The conference will discuss very important issues related to RDA and challenges that face the Arab library community. Translation issues of RDA will be deeply discussed. The conference will also discover the changes between AACR2 and RDA on bibliographic records and authority files.   Main topics 1.    The theory and philosophy of RDA. 2.    Translation issues, and challenges of application in Arab libraries. 3.  ...

departure owner of "Arabism House" .. Khalid Abdul Karim Juma

Khalid Abdul Karim Juma Announce the death yesterday morning writer Dr. Khalid Abdul Karim Juma ... Who dedicated his life in service to literature and publishing and creativity, as it was his fruitful efforts in the field of cash in Kuwait. He served late membership of the Board of Directors of the Association of Kuwaiti writers, in a lot of sessions, also left an important cultural legacy in various fields of intellectual literary and cultural. Late born in 1946, and worked as a lecturer at Kuwait University, and earned a doctorate at the University of Cairo in Arabic, and he practiced teaching in the Department of English at the University of Kuwait. Also served as director of the Institute of Arabic Manuscripts of the Arab Organization for Education, Science and Culture, and was based in Kuwait in 1982 until 1986. Association chaired faculty members at the University of Kuwait in 1984 until 1990. It is also the owner of Dar Arabism for publication and distribution. And a me...

Alexandria Library hosts Conference of the Arab Publishers Union today and tomorrow

Library of Alexandria Alexandria Library is experiencing its second conference of the Arab Publishers Union which continues to work for two days under the title: "enable knowledge and the challenges of the Arab publishing industry". Assem Shalaby "head of the Arab Publishers Union" said :the conference which is held jointly by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the Library of Alexandria and a federal Arab and Egyptian publishers represents an important point to emphasize the importance of the book industry in the Arab world". Participants in the conference the International Publishers Association board and a number of Arab Ministers of Culture as well as a number of writers and thinkers and specialists in print and directed the book as well as many of the specialists in the libraries in the Arab world. According to Dr. Khaled Azab "head of the project at the Library of Alexandria" that the library will announce support Somali National Lib...

List of libraries in Europe (2)

Latvia : Latvia University Latvian Academic Library Lithuania : Vilnius University The Netherlands :   University libraries Delft University of Technology Library Dutch Union Catalogue of Agricultural Books and Periodicals (Agralin) Eindhoven University of Technology Library Erasmus University of Rotterdam Library Free University of Amsterdam Library Nijenrode University Library University of Amsterdam Library University of Groningen Library University of Leiden Library University of Maastricht Library University of Nijmegen Library University of Tilburg Library University of Twente Library University of Utrecht Library Wageningen Agricultural University Library College libraries Rotterdam Polytechnic (HR&O) Library Utrecht College of Higher Education Library Zeeland Polytechnic Library Special libraries Catholic Documentation Centre (Dutch) Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science CWI Library Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (ECN) (Dutch) FASO-bibliotheek (Dutch) KNMI...

List of libraries in Europe (1)

Austria : National Library of Austria University of Graz Belgium : Catholic University of Leuven Catholic University of Louvain LIBIS - Net Catalogue Access Royal Library - Brussels University of Antwerp University of Liege University of Mons-Hainaut Cseh Rep. : National Library of the Czech Republic Denmark : Aalborg library Aarhus Public Libraries Brussels Free University (VUB) Copenhagen Business School Library Danish Technical Knowledge Center Roskilde University Royal Library of Denmark Sikeborg Library Estonia : National Library of Estonia Finland : Åbo Akademi University Finnish National Library of Health Sciences Helsinki University of Technology Helsinki University Helsinki City Library Jyväskylä University Joensuu University Oulu University University of Lapland France : Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique INRIA's libreries - Research Center of Sophia Antipolis National Agronomic Institute National Library of France Germany : Aachen Physics Institute Library Aug...

Oxford University librarian sacked for allowing students to dance in library

An Oxford University librarian has lost her job after students filmed themselves doing the latest dance craze on her watch. Calypso Nash, 23, was dismissed from St Hilda’s College after a video that shows students noisily performing a ‘Harlem Shake’ in the college library appeared on YouTube. The dance became an internet sensation last month when five Australian teenagers posted online footage of themselves gyrating to a song of the same name, by US artiste DJ Baauer. A petition has now been started by students, and the culprits, to have the librarian reinstated as she was ‘not in the position to stop it’. Ms Nash was working there that night but had nothing to do with organising the event and had not been asked if it could go ahead. In the video, posted on YouTube, a group of around 30 students are shown studying quietly in the grand surroundings of St Hilda’s. Then a youngster dressed as an American footballer is seen dancing before the film cuts to all the students doing the Harl...

King Abdulaziz Library poses the initiative to cooperate with the Arab Publishers Union in electronic publishing

deputy general supervisor of the King Abdulaziz Public Library in Riyadh Dr. Abdulkarim Al-Zaid Search ways of cooperation between the library and the Arab Publishers Union in the field of electronic publishing and digital library services in order to achieve the best use of information and communication technologies in the service of Arab culture and dissemination of knowledge, to facilitate access to students and researchers References in all scientific disciplines. Dr. Abdulkarim Al-Zaid during his meeting with a delegation that included 25 members of the members of the Arab Publishers Union headed by Prime Arab Publishers Union " Asim Shalabi " during their visit to the library yesterday posed a number of areas of cooperation on techniques of electronic publishing and digital library services and readiness library to distribute versions of publishing houses Union member in support of Arab Culture with publishers retaining full members of the Union the right to ask their...

Opening exposed to the Jordanian family library versions

Opened at the International Islamic University and the Orthodox Club vulnerable versions of Jordanian family library which a continuation of the approach of the Ministry of Culture in the dissemination of knowledge and raising community awareness. The Secretary General of the Ministry " Mamoun Talhouni " said the ministry has been the establishment of such exhibitions in various universities and schools to show versions of this library and other versions of the ministry at competitive prices symbolic, accessible by the reader, pointing out that the price of the book for adults 35 piasters and the children's book 25 piasters. He added that the versions of the library include content cognitively diverse and distinct in various fields of human knowledge .. noting that the ministry during the coming period will establish a number of other such exhibitions in various Jordanian national institutions. The club administration Orthodox readiness to cooperate with the Ministry of...

launch "Alrubie" library on YouTube

Al-rubie On the fifth anniversary of the death of " Dr. Ahmed alrubie (December 1949 - March 2008 ) " ( famous Kuwaiti politician ) on March 5, announced his son " Tariq alrubie " from his headquarters in London for the establishment of a private channel library of alrubie video's on YouTube . Channel is documenting the stations of his life between personal interviews and meetings space, seminars and (collections Monday) in addition to the popular videos delegations during the invasion. Archive not only documenting lives of alrubie, But an important stage of the history of political work in Kuwait. Channel Details : Address : Content : To this moment uploading more than 53 video and being raising videos on a weekly basis. Tariq alrubie called owns of any additional archival material especially with Dr. Ahmad alrubie to communicate via e-mail:  

$ 19 million sales of Riyadh Book Fair

Concluded Riyadh International Book Fair its activities with sales of 71 million and 645 thousand riyals (about $ 19 million) while the number of visitors since it opened ten days ago about two million and four hundred thousand visitors according to the Department of the exhibition. the exhibition in its current session which ended on Friday Witness the biggest gathering of publishers and exhibitors, agencies and authorities compared to previous years. 32 countries participated including the Arab states and more than 970 houses hand in the exhibition. present in the corridors of the exhibition over 250 thousand paper title and more than one million and two hundred thousand electronic title after expanded exhibition space for last year up additional lounge includes 105 suites. The guest honor of this year " the Kingdom of Morocco " and participated elite of senior intellectuals who have an influential presence in the Arab and internationally cultural scene. Came guest area of...

"Marib" : Statistical Observatory of Arabic digital content

  " Marib " is Statistical database of digital content Arab web project undertaken by the Arab Thought Foundation , during which the collection, compilation and analysis of Arabic content on the Internet based on a sample unprecedented exceeded twenty million units analysis, one of the largest samples used in the analysis of digital content in general and digital Arabic Content in particular. it's also of projects and systems leading track and monitor attempts to enrich Arabic content and e-content from various Arab and foreign countries, it provide the results through statistical database for digital content Arab which includes Subject Classification and produces lists topics and issues which discussed by the Arabic content making classification this content reality and not targets are pursued in particular that classification .. indexing and analysis through statistical database, which includes all tracks published the Arabic content on the Internet. It include...

Cloud services for various companies: reality and expectations

recently large spread use of the term cloud computing , especially as many have become go to cloud services as substitutes for the services available in computers. Before entering into talking about those services they have to know meaning of "Cloud Computing", where it is known that the term refers to the sources and computer systems available to users through the Internet and is working to provide services computer integrated without compliance with existing resources on the computer-machine in order to make it easier for the user. "Cloud services" provide to users many of the functions without the need to be met on a personal computer and features this service has many advantages that make many users resort to them, even if some of its services for amount of money , the most prominent features of these services come on the following: Access to services and resources from any computer without the need for the user to carry all information all the time. Da...

Increasing turnout at the international book fair in Riyadh

Riyadh International Book fair Witness appetite significantly   The third day of Riyadh International Book fair influx of large numbers of visitors ability of the organizers of the exhibition including more than 30 thousand visitors, which coincided with the third day of the exhibition on the weekend in Saudi Arabia. Dr.Ahmed Khadr head of the media committee of the exhibition explained that the large numbers of visitors exceeded the expectations of the organizers, explaining that he had been by the organizing committees and working exhibition to facilitate the flow of those numbers by organizing them entry and exit through the gates of the exhibition. In a related context pointed Khadr to be the headquarters of the agency Ministry of Culture and Information in Riyadh International Book saw a large turnout of visitors, where they attended a large number of them to get copies of free books distributed by the ministry to visitors, pointing out that it exceeded 6 thou...

A cooperation agreement between the Jordanian National Library and the E-Library of IMF

The Jordanian National Library signed with the Library of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and electronic access to the program for research development and innovation (ARDI) agreement for the exchange of information to make them available to researchers and those interested on the department's website where it became available for free to library visitors from the date of signing the agreement. Director General of the Department of National Library researcher " Mohammed Abbadi " stressed on the importance of these agreements, which will contribute to bridge the knowledge gap and the ease of obtaining student and a Jordanian researcher on the information and create the capacity to cope with human knowledge. Abadi added that : the agreement comes in the context of promoting the concept of the knowledge economy to create a real opportunity for the student with limited income to get the information free of charge through the brief him on the most important sites of t...

Riyadh Book Fair starts with 250 thousand title

Starts next Tuesday " exhibition Riyadh International Book Fair " organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information Under the auspices of the King " Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud " and Continue until the fifth month of March at the headquarters of the fairgrounds in Riyadh. The exhibition features more than a million e-mail address .. 250 thousand paper address book and honors within its activities leading media Saudis deceased. The Riyadh International Book Fair Is one of the largest cultural festivals in Saudi Arabia, where has more than two million visitors a year who are interested to buy books and to participate in the cultural program accompanying the exhibition. The Ministry of Culture and Information is keen to show the exhibition every year in style and satisfy all parties love of literature, culture and science. Under-secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Information for Cultural Affairs, General Supervisor of the exhibition Dr. " Nasser B...

"Publishing industry" Conference at the Library of Alexandria

Arab Publishers Union organizes an international conference on March 23 in the Library of Alexandria looking the challenges of the book publishing industry in the presence of officials and specialists from 11 Arab countries. head of Arab Publishers Union "Assem Shalaby" said in Saturday at a news conference in Cairo that the conference will be held under the title "enable knowledge and challenges the Arab publishing", with the participation of : Egyptian Ministry of Culture,the Bibliotheca Alexandria,federal publishers Arabs and Egyptians,IPA, with a number of ministers of culture and specialists Arabs in the book industry. The conference lasts two days .. where representatives IPA and participants from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt will discuss several issues including : intellectual property rights and piracy books. problems of translation and publishing industry. m...