Libraries of Jordan develop a current year plan

The Association of Library and Information of Jordan headed by President of the Assembly Dr. Nedal Ayasrah press conference in which he reviewed the achievements of the association since its founding in 1963.

Dr. Ayasrah said : «Society contributed in many of the activities office and paid the Assembly since its founding institutions to encourage the establishment of libraries in all parts of the country».

He explained that the Assembly has held many courses office specialized in library science and information locally, regionally and held many conferences and seminars throughout her career that spanned fifty years and participated in many conferences of Arab and international specialized agencies.

Dr. Ayasrah confirmed that the new management will follow in the footsteps of previous administrative bodies and strive to work on the development of the profession of libraries in Jordan. It hopes the new management to get the necessary support for this cultural association of public and private institutions for the continuity of its work to provide a permanent home.

Administrative staff developed an action plan for this year, including:

«Contribute to the campaign« book friend »in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture - the National Library, through which the distribution of a collection of books on the citizens».

«The establishment of a cultural event on the occasion of the National Book Week under the slogan« the book such as water should be up for all »This Thursday 5 April in Amman - Street Culture».

«Project« Library traveler »in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation and the company of Jordan Tourist Transport« jet »in order to encourage reading among the citizens who are traveling in these buses».

«Know your association project» aims to introduce students to library science and colleagues working in various libraries to urged them to join the Society ».

«Conference Assembly atheist century in Madaba on the occasion of selected City of Culture for the year 2012».

«Preparation for the celebration of the fiftieth jubilee of the founding of the Golden Library and Information Association of Jordan, which falls on December 23, 2013».


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