Loop around the corner of U.S. university libraries in the Sultanate of Oman

The Embassy of the United States in Muscat workshop on the corner of the American custom in the libraries of colleges and universities in the Sultanate, where comes this episode as a kind of partnership between the U.S. Embassy with universities and colleges in the Sultanate

the corner Project began since 2004 and is currently available in the libraries of the University of Sohar and the Faculty of Applied Science Rustaq and Modern College of Science and Higher College of Technology in Muscat and the University of Buraimi, where the corner is the center of the sources of information provides a collection of books and dictionaries on the information from the United States of America, in areas scientific, economic, and recognize which students to American universities in all specialties, and the system of instruction, designed through the embassy to enrich the Omani students to receive knowledge in various fields of science and the development of their knowledge and this kind of cooperation comes a reflection of the relationship strong and period of about two centuries, and made the loop in a series of other links converge in the cultural attaché and information with those responsible for libraries at universities and colleges, and the exchange of ideas and information and access to the new in the field of information sources, attended the opening of the His Excellency U.S. Ambassador in Muscat, and lectured in a number of experts in the field of information sources.

In this aspect I talked Irene Ioses Acting Cultural Attaché Press Agency, saying: we hosted in this episode one of the experts from the United States in the field of library science, which is responsible public centers of information sources in the Gulf States, based in Abu Dhabi, to establish lectures aimed at the development of Omani youth, as well as to hear of the guests all the proposals and ideas that contribute to the development of this project, has to visit centers of the sources of information in each of the Faculty of Muscat Supreme, Modern College, and expressed admiration for the progress witnessed by the Sultanate, especially in the field of higher education and took a good impression with regard to the interest of youth and education institutions higher, also gave the audience the proposals is to activate these centers and the establishment of more events, with the increase in the number of books to match the increase in the number of students in these universities and colleges, as well Ioses: Among the advantages of hosting the experts is to focus on teaching the English language, and from my point of view, the importance of Teaching English is not only to work but is a new culture for knowledge on foreign science.

About the importance of Activity American Corner in the library of Sultan Qaboos University, said Irene: There is significant cooperation between the Embassy with the Sultan Qaboos University in many areas, scholarship specialists to U.S. universities and host speakers from American universities lecturing at the university, and therefore cooperation is ongoing, according to need, and therefore even although not available in the American Corner library of the University 'there is cooperation in various fields.

Irene has also added: We want to distribute, and create a lot of sources of information, and there are special procedures in relation to the financial budget, because the existing cooperation and increased its scope and seeks cultural attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Muscat to expand the scope of the corner at universities and colleges in the Sultanate.

It is noted that The cultural attaché and information the U.S. Embassy oversees the implementation of many programs annually serve different areas of scientific, cultural, professional, either through scholarships to the United States of America or by hosting the American experts for the implementation of programs or seminars in the areas of interest to the Sultanate, is also keen Embassy representative Attaché in to participate in various activities and cultural events festival Salalah Tourism Festival and Exhibition Muscat or Muscat international Book Fair.


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