Apple pay 450 million dollars for priced books

Apple Company Approved to pay about 450 million dollars to settle the case, which accuses them of conspiring with five of the top publishing houses to prove prices e-books .. according to court records released on Wednesday.

The settlement is based on the appeal which the company lost last year, which ruled that "Apple" violated antitrust laws own prices, after conspiring with publishers to raise the prices of e-books.

For its part, "Apple" is still denies involvement in this shameful act, where "kristin huguet" a spokeswoman for the company said : "We have not sinned, and we believe that a fair assessment of the facts will show that".

In case of approval of the settlement by the judiciary, goes the amount of $400 million to consumers, while the company will pay an additional $20 million to legal wages.

The lawyers who raised the issue on behalf of the consumer group and 33 U.S. states, intend to seek compensation worth 840 million dollars for damage to consumers who have been affected by high prices for e-books, during the court which scheduled to begin on 25 August.

As for the publishing houses which accused of conspiring with "Apple" they are "Hachette Book Group" "HarperCollins Publishers" "Penguin Group" "Macmillan" and "Simon & Schuster".

The publishing houses have already reached to settle the case against the payment of 166 million dollars. The announcement was made to reach a settlement at the end of last June, without the announcement of the details at that time.


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