Open Access Websites in Arab Countries
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The Power Of Open Access |
The Arab institutions began to express their strong commitment to fostering an enabling environment for Open Access (OA).
Nowadays there is unlimited forms of Open Access Websites In Arab Countries including databases, journals, periodicals, peer-reviewed Articles, Academic research … etc that are interested in different fields.
It's also With the accelerated pace of construction of these sites , It has become with a power of information inside and easy to access.
Today "MAKTABIOS" Show you the most important Open Access websites in Arab Countries on the internet:
- Notes : The sites will appear as follows
- The URL : Site address.
- About Site : A Brief summary.
- ISSN : An International Standard Serial Number.
International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT)
The International Arab Journal of e-Technology (IAJeT) is a specialized, refereed, and indexed journal that is published biannually in English. IAJeT is the official journal in e-technology of the Colleges of Computing and Information Society, stemming from the Association of Arab Universities and published by Arab Open University, Jordan. IAJeT invites contributions from researchers, scientists and practitioners from all over the world.
ISSN: 1997-6364
African Journals Online (AJOL)
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is an online service to provide access to African-published research, and increase worldwide knowledge of indigenous scholarship.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS)
The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, academic journal. It is also the world's most widely read journal in the field of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies.
ISSN: 0806-198X
Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (AJBMR)
The Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review (AJBMR) provides framework for conveying various research and academic brilliance in the field of business and management.
ISSN: 2223-5833
Alexandria Journal of Medicine
The "Alexandria Journal of Medicine" is an official peer-reviewed periodical owned by the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University and produced and hosted by Elsevier, on behalf of the owner, since 2011.
ISSN: 2090-5068
The British-Yemeni Society
The British-Yemeni Society was inaugurated in February 1993. Its objectives are to promote friendship and understanding between the peoples of the two countries and to advance public knowledge in Britain about the Republic of Yemen, its history, geography, economy and culture.
ISSN: 0000-0000
International Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Sciences (IJCPS)
an International Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Sciences (IJCPS), multidisciplinary and national dimension journal, publishes original research works that are at the interface of various disciplines, including: Process engineering, Petroleum engineering, Mechanical engineering,Geology. The journal offers full text articles, validated by peer review, and freely available on the Internet.
ISSN: 2253-0932
Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal (EDOJ)
A biannual scientific journal issued every June and December. An open-access, refereed publication intending to enhance communication between Egyptian dermatologists and the world.
ISSN: 1687-3831
The Egyptian Journal of Biology
An Open Access journal, free to download: there are no charges of any kind to authors or readers. The journal published standard scientific contributions and reviews from all aspects of the biological sciences.
ISSN: 1110-6859
Egypt Exploration Society (EES)
The Society’s paper newsletter is mailed to members three times a year. The Society’s events are announced here and the newsletter also includes details of new publications, fundraising campaigns, sales of second-hand books on eBay, and governance related issues such as the election of Trustees etc.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (JFAS)
The Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences (JFAS) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly Open Access journal published by the faculty of sciences and technology of the University of El Oued (Algeria).
The Journal is published triannual (Onward January 2015) in English (encouraged) and French.
ISSN : 1112-9867
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hindawi is a rapidly growing academic publisher with 437 peer-reviewed, open access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (SJA)
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (SJA) is official publication of the Saudi Anaesthetic Association. It publishes peer reviewed original articles and highlights the current advances in anaesthesia and related sciences.
ISSN: 1658-354X
Manuscripts (Makhtota)
King Saud University established the Manuscript (Makhtota) site that contains more than eleven thousands manuscripts that visitors can browse, read online, and get copies in the form of images or PDF files.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Larhyss journal is an international peer-reviewed journal published quaterly (4 Issues per year) by the research laboratory in subterranean and surface hydraulics (University of Biskra, Algeria) since 2002.
ISSN: 1112-3680
Libyan Journal of Medicine (ljm)
Libyan Journal of Medicine (ljm) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access, international medical journal aiming to promote heath and health education by publishing high-quality medical research and data in the different disciplines of medicine. The Journal has an Impact Factor of 1.333.
ISSN: 1993-2820
Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (JJPS)
The Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (JJPS) is a scientific, bi-annual, peer-reviewed publication that will focus on current topics of interest to the pharmaceutical community at large.
ISSN: 1995-7157
Islamic Heritage Project (IHP)
Islamic Heritage Project (IHP), Harvard’s Open Collections Program (OCP) has produced digital copies of over 280 manuscripts, 275 printed texts, and 50 maps, totaling over 156,000 pages. Users can search or browse online materials that date from the 10th to the 20th centuries CE and represent many
ISSN: 0000-0000
Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics (Jnmas)
Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Stochastics published papers presenting new computational results on deterministic and stochastic differential and integral equations, SDE’s and SIE’s, which model real-life problems (basically nonlinear) or have a potential for doing so. A second objective is to present new numerical methods for solving such problems.
ISSN: 2151-2302
Qatar University's Institutional Repository
Qatar University's Institutional Repository, QSpace, is a digital archive comprised of the University's intellectual output. QSpace manages, preserves and makes available the academic works of faculty, graduate students, and research centers.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Syrian Studies Association Bulletin (SSA)
The Bulletin is the bi-annual publication of the Syrian Studies Association, an international association created to promote research and scholarly understanding of Syria.
ISSN: 0000-0000
Syria. Archéologie, Art et histoire
"Syria, an annual journal, The review is dedicated to the history and archaelogy of the Semitic Near East (Cyprus included) from Prehistory to the Islamic conquest. It publishes articles in all the disciplines related to this field of research, archaology, epigraphy, philology, history, art history ; these articles are sometimes gathered together in thematic issues, but usually each issue of Syria tries to give - by means of 12 to 18 articles .. a varied overview of research on the Ancient Near East.
ISSN: 2076-8435
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